11:01 PM View Comments

Check out a few logo's will you?

I would like people to tell me what they like or what they would change about the logo's they like. Or if you want to create your own and show me. I need your help. To view the logo's you will have to access a lost website found here. To create your own logo go here. You may need to create an account but it is fun and FREE. Enjoy.
10:30 PM View Comments

myChristianConnection.org Logo's

Here are some logos i am trying to decide about, please help.

Logo 1

logo design

Logo 2

logo design

Logo 3

Logo 4

logo design

Logo 5

11:10 AM View Comments

It's been a while...oops.

Lately i have been forgetting to post...sorry. I was talking to a friend the other day about making large life decisions and he asked me if i would view the life decision as running to something or running away from something....it's important that we keep a perspective on life that is Godly and humble and we know that whatever it is in life that we are suppose to do, we do for the glory of God. All to many times i take it for granted that this life is not my own and i think i get to make all the choices, which i do but usually i mess them up, when i choose God it's better. Again, when i choose God it's better.

Right now i am at a point in life where i don't know what i want to do, i don't know where or when i want to do it. However if i made the choice last week it would have been different because i was in a different mental state then. I am glad i didn't choose last week. Now i choose God. It is a hard choice to always do the will of God, and i will definitely fail, boy will i fail, but i choose God.

By the way, T-minus 6 weeks and counting for little tyke number 2.
11:25 AM View Comments

Road trip

Tomorrow I go on a road trip. About 6 hours to somewhere in PA, then we hang out and come 6 hrs back, should be fun.
3:21 PM View Comments

Trip details..some at least.

I am back from Denver, what a trip….it was interesting. We went out and prayed at Columbine High School. We also prayed throughout various parts of the city of Denver. We also visited the Children’s Hospital, that place will really make you think and I will probably post more on that later. Being able to see the mountains and everything really was amazing. I think that it would be a cool place to live. I also met a guy who does exactly what I want to do with a website idea. That was my trip, more later.
12:51 AM View Comments

Going to Denver...

I leave in roughly 9 hrs. to go to Denver. What am I going to be doing there? Good question. This trip has been planned for a while now and it's finally here. I may update you all throughout the trip...or I may not. Either way I will update everyone when I am back...that I am, in fact, back. People seriously though, it's ok to post once in a while and I am waiting for someone to write me the first story, from my previous post.
12:55 AM View Comments

Relational story's.

I had an idea late one night while I was on a walk and wanted to get everyone’s help on it. It seems that everyone has had a moment in time where Jesus did something for them, maybe you had timing just work out for you, or someone said the right thing at the right time or maybe it was a chapel service, if everyone feels comfortable with it, it would be cool if you would share one of your relational moments with me. If you don’t feel comfortable with it then maybe you can just e-mail it to me via the message me link on my info. I am very interested in reading these and I think it would help others.
9:45 PM View Comments

New Location...

Well it looks like i will be working out of a new location so if you want or need Sprint cell phone service you will need to find me at the South Bend location. I will be taking the Sr Rep. position soon. Dates are not finalized as of yet but i have been given the nod by my District Manager so...yea for me!!!
12:09 AM View Comments

Ted Haggard situation: Part 2

It seems that lots of people don’t know who Ted Haggard is; this made me think a bit. Ted Haggard was listed by Time Magazine as one of the 25 most influential evangelicals found Here. This is important because if we don’t know who the most influential people of our faith are, or we don’t know what they believe, it leaves us open to deception and makes our faith vulnerable. This is because the people who are fighting for us and telling us what is wrong or right, we know nothing about. Now there is no shame in not knowing who Ted Haggard is because when I looked at the top 25 I only knew of about 5 of them, and I have taken many courses & study on evangelical beliefs and values, but we need to do better at knowing who the Christian leaders are. And, Ted Haggard would have been one of the better known evangelicals on the list.

This does make me think that as Christians we need to be less accepting of what people tell us and spend more time finding out what we believe and why we believe it. Many denominations are based on the beliefs of a single man, including Wesleyans, Lutherans, and others. It is interesting to study there lives and then you begin to find out why you or your church believe the way you do. Ted Haggard had a church of about 14,000 that he founded in his basement. His congregation was utterly shocked by the news of what happened found Here. After seeing what happened to him, it makes you question what he told you, even if only a little bit.

In the end it’s disappointing that someone of Haggard’s influence allowed this to happen, but we are human, and David had his problems with Bathsheba so…Who’s to say what about Ted. As the body of Christ some say we are just sinners that have been saved by grace, I think Ted was shown the grace of God by this situation being brought out into the light. But, let’s all make sure that we don’t have any area’s of darkness left in us, and lets not take shortcuts to God’s will. There is a reason and a plan for everything we do, when we allow our focus to not be on God…our world falls apart and if we fight God on breaking us…the breaking will be greater.
12:23 AM View Comments

Thoughts brought about by ... the Ted Haggard situation

Just a thought about the whole Ted Haggard thing…I don’t know if he did everything he was accused of or not…but I think it brings up an interesting thought. In America you can grow up to be anyone and do anything, there are no limits to what you can do it you commit yourself. I think sometimes as Christian’s in America we are the same way, we are able to pastor mega-churches, etc. if we set our mind to it.

Now the problems arise when we move to quickly, questions such as is it God’s will get pushed to the backburner, if we are successful it must be God’s will. This is not to say that Ted Haggard’s church is only successful because of Ted Haggard and not God, but it makes you think.

In America I don’t believe we are forced to sacrifice, to be purified by the fire in order to achieve success or even greatness. In America I believe what we see is that people who aren’t ready, who take shortcuts, end up with things catching up with them. Now please don’t think for one minute that I think Ted Haggard is guilty, a great thing about America is that we are innocent until proven guilty (at least by trial, if not by the media).

If we want to live Holy lives devoted only to God, I believe that not only does God have to purify us (and who knows He may chose to purify us through bringing sin to light as in Ted Haggard’s situation), but we will be called to sacrifice and especially be patient. It’s easy to want the instant gratification, but slow and steady seems to be the course God uses most frequently. This is played out in Paul’s life as well as Jesus’ life. Both incredible men (one incredible Savior) and both spent much time in solitude and training before they were released to ministry.

If anyone gleams anything from these idea’s let it be this…Allow the Lords timing to guide you in your life and don’t rush things…This whole situation, and blog may just be the message God is trying to teach me. So off I go to dream about it, Good Night.