Church attendance
Today the thing on my mind is church attending. The reason I am writing about this is because I did not attend church this morning nor have I attended church for about three months worth of Sunday mornings. Once I went with my in-laws and once I went on Saturday night....
In college I was constantly surrounded my Christian friends and neglected church then also, but it seemed like I did ok. But now I wonder...Is it possible to maintain a serious walk with God without attending church on a regular basis?
Another thing I seem to do without is time in the word, good or bad I have a hard time reading the word with any frequency. I have always loved the idea of using the Bible as a text book, I did in church growing up and during my college years. I have always viewed it as a book to study and know. But how do you change your way of thinking and instead view the Bible as a letter written directly to you? How do you look at the Bible as your source of information for every situation? When I need help I sometimes look to the Bible for help and everything I do, I wonder how it applies to me, personally.
Missing these two intrigue things makes one's spiritual walk very difficult. Especially to keep your relationship with God the most important thing in your life. On the other hand attending a church that goes through the motions or sometimes worse yet, a church that has some understanding of a spiritual relationship with God but is not capable of teaching others how to walk with God makes church completely un-appealing. On the other hand if you don't go you are very likely to struggle in your spiritual walk. Why? Because you really need a support system and a church, family, and friends are usually your support staff to keep your focus on God. Like the support system I had in college, church just wasn't apart of it.
Does anyone else have problems finding a church that actually has the ability to give you that support system? See, the way I view church is very complex. I don't view it as being a place were you should go in order to grow, that should happen day-by-day by walking with the Lord. But...It seems like I am fed spiritually by seeing others walk with God and hearing their stories and conversations with God. If it doesn't happen at church where while it happen? And it is hard to grow in your walk when you are not fed, so what to do, what to do?
Thoughts? Comments?
I would especially like to hear from those who feel like they are in a church that provides what you need. My brother says it's not what the church can do for you, rather what can your do for the church? Do you agree? I don't, as a matter of fact I don't think I do offer anything.....Before people go crazy on me, realize I have a healthy self-esteem I just am not wired in a way to offer anything......At least that I know of.
More later......