Some Thoughts on Farming...
An interesting observation is this: In our Christian walk it seems that there is many times where God puts us in situations that are hard on us, He makes us do things that move us out of comfort zone. Just as we get comfortable its time for a new challenge. It’s interesting because we don’t know what we are doing and we don’t know how it applies to our calling. I think that what god is doing is simple; He is teaching us another farming technique. We may start out digging holes to plant seeds, or pruning the plants or harvesting the fruit, but we start out in one area of farming. The next thing He does is switch us to something totally different; we don’t get it because now we are climbing latter’s and picking fruit or driving a tractor to harvest wheat or corn. It’s important to remember that God has a plan and that even if we can’t see the bigger picture we don’t have to. At one point this was a really profound revelation but now its hard to duplicate…oh well.