12:39 AM


Jesus talks a lot about family in the Bible but much of it seems.......um.......against traditional thought, why is this? Let me explain what i am talking about, leave you father and mother or you have no part of me, a prophet has no honor in his city or family (I am paraphrasing VERY loosely, but you get the idea) I think its because.......your family.......I am trying to figure it out, I am debating internally right now, but your family see's you how they see you, they see you as you were, they compare you to themselves and how you have always compared to them. I was thinking about Charlie Weis the other day because he said something about his brothers and sisters, I remember thinking that I bet they feel lucky, but then I thought, you know, I doubt it. I bet they think they can call better plays and they are being underpaid, they could do what he did given his opportunities, etc. Maybe not everyone is like this, but I think a lot of us are deep down. So.......I think its good to step back and look at what God has created around us in our families and appreciate them for who God has created them to be and then to not compare ourselves to them because who are we to challenge God? If we compare them to us its because we think God created us equal (which I don't think I believe) and if you think that way then you will question God about why did He do what He did, and when we question God we are in essence challenging His divinity be thinking we know more than He does. Dave Ramsey like to use an old saying that people don't want to take advice regarding sex or money once they have powdered your butt and calls it (very originally I might add) the powdered butt syndrome. I think its called pride personally and I think everyone should get off their horses. At least that's my opinion.

EDIT: Can you tell I am bitter?
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