8:33 PM View Comments

ND Blue Gold Game!!!

What a wonderful day for a football game, not a cloud in the sky and it's a perfect 72 degrees in South Bend, IN for this Blue Gold game 2007 edition. Lou Holtz has been named honorary coach for the Gold team and Ara Parsegian has been named the coach of the Blue team. Charlie Weis has had a QB dilemma on his hands since the departure of Brady Quinn after last years Fiesta Game loss to LSU. As a result Coach Weis has been giving equal time to all 4 QB's on the roster in an attempt to find the heir apparent to Quinn. Today's starting quarterbacks have been determined by a coin flip and Jimmy Clawson is going to be the starter for the Blue team and Zack Frasier for the Blue team.
After what has been a some what uneventful day what have we learned? Well to start off the Gold team won the game by a score of 10-6 in what was mostly a run oriented game. Neither QB really jumped out at you and just wowed you, but seems to be largely by design. Sr running back Junier Jabbey was the offensive player of the game and David Bruton was named the defensive player of the game. Bruton had an interception and run back for a touchdown and Jabbey ran for almost 90 yards on only 13 carries. Today a new record was set for the Notre Dame spring Blue Gold game with 51,852 in attendance and who still felt strongly for Lou Holtz as several times the entire stadium yelled Lou in unison. This spring game, in all reality, probably means very little in the grand scheme of things as far as who ends up lining up where, but you can sense that there is excitement in the air again for Fighting Irish football.
9:50 PM View Comments

Video Chat-ting...

The webcam....yep the thing that absolutely exploded about 2 years ago, we are finally catching on. We are using it (when it works) and learning, we are constantly learning. Let me tell you the single most important thing about using the webcam to chat with people, it's to make sure that person is normal. Yep, that's it. It may seem simple but it is often overlooked. If you have ever looked at someone and thought that person is a little abnormal then you don't want to do a webcam with that person. Every person who uses a webcam experiences this uncontrollable urge to do every little immature thing they can think of just because they are on camera, believe me-if we knew you would do what you are doing now we would not have let you have a camera. To those of you who may or may not be reading this, and who find these urges irresistible (you know who you are)...seriously, you need help.

If you want to help people out maybe you can wear a sign that says "Hi, I am too immature to use a webcam, I constantly find myself doing stupid immature stuff. If I ask you to do a webcam with me or you find yourself wanting to do a video-chat with me, don't. You will regret it. I am not capable of being normal in a video-chat setting."
10:57 AM View Comments

Confrence time...

Recently we attended a small time conference held locally on spiritual warfare, it came at the right time and was the right message for our family. It's been cool to see the things that God has been doing lately. For a long time it seemed like me personally i was at a stand still or regression but come to find out I was but it was because there was something stopping me up. Kinda like recently when our sink was clogged and we had to eliminate the clog before we could use our sink. Now it seems that things are flowing again and its nice. I tell you what, sometimes we forget but we have a pretty good God.