Comments, Layout, and Other Stuff...
So, I have done several things to the blog. First off I have installed a Disqus Comments system. It's pretty cool, you can comment on the blog as a guest, log into Disqus and then comment on any site w/Disqus, register w/Disqus, tweet a comment, or I think you can even use OpenId. That is quite a few options. The question is, 'Why did I do this?' and the answer is just because. I wanted to try it. Also, if it works good I could possibly use it on my other blog site (which is Word Press).
Secondly I have obviously changed the layout, pretty dramatically I might add, and it was a pain in places that are generally covered with clothes!!! Lastly, I think it's kinda cool, but overall it doesn't give me butterflys, and it was a lot of I don't know what to do now.
Thirdly, I noticed that someone commented on my Honoring God with your possessions post but I don't know who. In addition since I installed Disqus, it puts their comment system right over the top, no biggie, if no one has posted. The only way to un-install Disqus is to change my you know what will happen if I do that??? Bad things man. So, if you commented, will you comment again for me? Laters everyone.