1:57 PM View Comments

Introducing DiscipleshipGuy

I have loved SquawkTalk, it's been great! However, after a brief home here we are packing up and moving. I have had another Blog for a while, something that never really took off for me, but I already own the domain name, so we are moving. Don't worry, we haven't forgotten anything and the transition has already be made. When you go to our new place you will see many familiar things, although it will look slightly different, you should be able to find yourself around the place pretty easy. So, weather you started following me all the way back during the Xanga.com days, followed my move to mparrott84.blogspot.com, followed our family on parrottpeople.wordpress.com, or just recently found us on SquawkTalk.DiscipleshipGuy.com (the web address is a hint to our new home...), all content will now be found at...


3:35 PM View Comments

Introducing SquawkTalk!

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce everyone to SquawkTalk! This new site is still a work in progress, it has some work to be done, but I want to introduce everyone so that you have the opportunity to help influence it's design. This new site is the combination of several things. First of all, I don't post here much anymore. This site was started as a progression from Xanga.com, and it has served it's purpose. However, I no longer like to keep everything so separate. So, in an attempt to converge many things into one, I have taken this blog, as well as parrottpeople.wordpress.com and merged them into one new site called SquawkTalk.

I hope you enjoy the new site. After a bit I will probably be deleting this site entirely, however probably not until after the new site has undergone the finishing touches. I want to make sure all of my content is safe, after all, it dates back to early 2001. Without further ado, here is SquawkTalk!