6:13 PM

The weekend...

It has been a nice weekend, first I got off around 5 on Friday and went to a softball game double header (In which I got a hit or walk in every at-bat). Then we headed for the Frey household Friday night late. We spent the night and went to a family get together where we had grilled chicken that was absolutely amazing, then we went back to the Frey house again to spend the night. Today I went to work, got off at 5 and then went home to have taco's...can't get much better than that. The only down side to the weekend (and hence the title of my blog only the weekend instead of good weekend or something similar) is that my phone went out completly, that's right folks, my phone no longer does anything that you would expect a phone to do. This includes things like make calls, text, internet, or voicemail. What can I do? Everything else (my phone is a PDA), which doesn't do me a whole lotta good. I am working on getting it swapped, but it's still a disappointment. Anyway, for a while I will be disconnected from the world...oh well. Moving on I guess. Have a good day.
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