Phizer Interview...
Today I had my Phizer phone interview...and if this was not a pharmaceutical company I am sure I would have nailed it. Since Phizer is a pharmaceutical company I have no idea, but I don't think it looks good. One of the questions Beverly asked me was what research did I do for the phone interview? Needless to say this caught me completely off guard. I think I recovered well by telling her that I spent time at the Phizer website, viewed many other pharmaceutical companies websites and job positions to better understand the industry, and that I spent time talking to as many people as I new or people I knew of who were in the pharmaceutical industry...all of these things I have done, not completely in preparation for the phone interview but still...It's just things like that, you know? Totally unprepared but still a good talker, just not sure if I told her what she wanted to hear.
Like I said, and retail sales, entry level sales, and some mid level sales (assistant manager, manager, etc) these things would have worked on them, but alas, pharmaceutical sales is not entry level sales or middle management, they are usually the best and most professional sales people out there. Anyway, I will hear something in two weeks or less regarding my status with them.
Anyway, part of the reason I am not feeling so confident is that some questions caught me off guard and I would ask her to repeat them so I could come up with an answer (this happened twice), there were also many vague gernaralities designed to enhance my current skill sets but by placing them into a field/industry that I have never worked in, so in effect I was trying to tell her what she wanted to hear without having any idea what that was...Needless to say it leaves you in the dark as to how the interview went, since I was trying to tell her what she wanted to hear and I didn't know if I was spot on or not it would be difficult to determine if I hit the nail on the head...wouldn't you agree?
At the end of the call...this is the thing that makes me most nervous, she asked if I had any questions and I asked if I could follow up with her later and she said no we will contact you, which was just a stupid get comfortable transition phrase, get on your good graces thing that turned out annoying her because she had just said we will contact you. Then I asked her if the position they were still looking to fullfil was in the greater South Bend area since she asked me if I would be willing to was after this question that there seemed to be lots of clunks and noises on the other end as if she dropped the phone or something before the phone went silent and the call ended (she was on speaker phone), but I dare not call her back because she had already told me twice they would call me back...
I have never not got invited to a second interview after a phone interview, but I think this will be my first, which is ok because realistically this job is out of my league, sure I can learn on the fly and probably/would become very successfully, but really, I don't have any training for it or anything.
The other thing about this position is that I was thinking about Dan Millers book 48 Days to the Work You Love, and I am not 100% sure it would be the work I love, there are things I would and after today at work I am more ready than ever to leave, but I guess I just want to make sure...
I am at the point about it were I think I won't and if I do...I will be very happy. Lately I have really been trying to ask God everyday what is it that you have for me today? If I do that faithfully then He will guide me and take care of my job and career, it's when I do things on my own that I get in trouble...and this Phizer job I did on my own. So, if I get it, it's by God's grace and He allowed it, but if I don't then great and I will countinue now more than ever to seek God and allow for Him to decide where I turn up next...
It's late and I am sure that this is a more than adequate description of the whole 20 miniute phone interview so... Good Night.
Like I said, and retail sales, entry level sales, and some mid level sales (assistant manager, manager, etc) these things would have worked on them, but alas, pharmaceutical sales is not entry level sales or middle management, they are usually the best and most professional sales people out there. Anyway, I will hear something in two weeks or less regarding my status with them.
Anyway, part of the reason I am not feeling so confident is that some questions caught me off guard and I would ask her to repeat them so I could come up with an answer (this happened twice), there were also many vague gernaralities designed to enhance my current skill sets but by placing them into a field/industry that I have never worked in, so in effect I was trying to tell her what she wanted to hear without having any idea what that was...Needless to say it leaves you in the dark as to how the interview went, since I was trying to tell her what she wanted to hear and I didn't know if I was spot on or not it would be difficult to determine if I hit the nail on the head...wouldn't you agree?
At the end of the call...this is the thing that makes me most nervous, she asked if I had any questions and I asked if I could follow up with her later and she said no we will contact you, which was just a stupid get comfortable transition phrase, get on your good graces thing that turned out annoying her because she had just said we will contact you. Then I asked her if the position they were still looking to fullfil was in the greater South Bend area since she asked me if I would be willing to was after this question that there seemed to be lots of clunks and noises on the other end as if she dropped the phone or something before the phone went silent and the call ended (she was on speaker phone), but I dare not call her back because she had already told me twice they would call me back...
I have never not got invited to a second interview after a phone interview, but I think this will be my first, which is ok because realistically this job is out of my league, sure I can learn on the fly and probably/would become very successfully, but really, I don't have any training for it or anything.
The other thing about this position is that I was thinking about Dan Millers book 48 Days to the Work You Love, and I am not 100% sure it would be the work I love, there are things I would and after today at work I am more ready than ever to leave, but I guess I just want to make sure...
I am at the point about it were I think I won't and if I do...I will be very happy. Lately I have really been trying to ask God everyday what is it that you have for me today? If I do that faithfully then He will guide me and take care of my job and career, it's when I do things on my own that I get in trouble...and this Phizer job I did on my own. So, if I get it, it's by God's grace and He allowed it, but if I don't then great and I will countinue now more than ever to seek God and allow for Him to decide where I turn up next...
It's late and I am sure that this is a more than adequate description of the whole 20 miniute phone interview so... Good Night.