So here is how the BIG NEWS went...
First of all if you don't know what the big news is then I should probably tell you...We got central air!!!
The story went like this...A weeks back Autumn starting getting on a kick for central air and telling me all the reasons we needed it. Considering the expense I tried to shrug off the suggestion, to no avail. Since I could tell this was not going to go away and it would increase the resale value of our house I thought maybe I should make my wife happy and go with it this time. The next day I emailed my friend (yes that friend, my man Greg) to get a quote on getting it installed. He gave me the quote and asked me if I wanted it, I asked him how soon he could do it and he said he could do it before the end of the month. After him hawing around I finally said do it. Autumn wants to so lets do it. I set it up but decided not to tell her about it. I then talked to my mom and my sister about helping me get Autumn out of the house so it could be a surprise. They agreed and we set up tentative was all falling into place.
A couple times we had issues come up were I thought Autumn might figure it out but she didn't and the surprise prevailed...until tonight! She got up this morning and I tried franticly to get her out of the house so Greg could show up at 10 and I had to leave the back door unlocked so that he could get in, but she was running behind (as usual!). As soon as I left to go to work (I couldn't stay home forever) I called Greg and told him he would need to arrive 15 min. late and that I hadn't been able to leave a door unlocked and that he would need to close some windows for me, he agreed. He also found his way into our home with a trusty credit card (I guess they are good for something even if you don't use them for debt!). Then he worked tirelessly until he had installed our central air and new water softener (due to the house mess, see below).
It was about the time that Greg called to tell me he was done that Autumn called to ask if I wanted to meet her and the Metzgers for dinner...I agreed as this would help me keep her out of the house until I could go home with her. After dinner I convinced her to go back to the store with me and hang out (to stall once again) and see my beautiful daughter Becka Joy! When Autumn finally couldn't take it anymore I let her take off for home and I was able to leave mere minutes after her in my pursuit to beat her home. TO my good fourtune my little girl Becka was missing me beyond belief and was asking Autumn to wait for daddy. This worked to my advantage since Auutmn called me and asked if I wanted her to slow down so I could catch her and Becka could see me drive next to problem with that I thought, no problem at all!
While I was on the phone with Autumn I told her I would need to pull in the driveway first so I could get things out of the garage (this didn't make any sense to her, however this was only so she wouldn't see the unit in the back). When we arrived I was able to get Becka out, unlock the door and then follow Autumn inside, but she wasn't able to feel the cooler air since it had already cooled down outside. She did however, notice the weird odor coming from the new unit. In order to find the smell we went to the laundry room to see what was going on. I showed her the new water softener that Greg had installed and she noticed the central air pipe coming in from outside but she didn't know what it was. She then asked were our old softener was, so I said probably outside and I opened the door and I pointed to it and she stepped outside...and that's when she saw it! At first she was speechless...then it hit and I thought she would cry, she was going crazy and starting giving what Becka and I like to call 'lots of kisses'. I am pretty sure she liked it, and we didn't stop talking about it for like half an hour. She was ecstatic...
All in all this was great, normally I do a great job of keeping secrets but she is able to figure it out (through no fault of my own) but this time she was clueless to the (expensive) surprise! Anyway, that's how the BIG NEWS least that's how the SHORT version of the BIG NEWS went
The story went like this...A weeks back Autumn starting getting on a kick for central air and telling me all the reasons we needed it. Considering the expense I tried to shrug off the suggestion, to no avail. Since I could tell this was not going to go away and it would increase the resale value of our house I thought maybe I should make my wife happy and go with it this time. The next day I emailed my friend (yes that friend, my man Greg) to get a quote on getting it installed. He gave me the quote and asked me if I wanted it, I asked him how soon he could do it and he said he could do it before the end of the month. After him hawing around I finally said do it. Autumn wants to so lets do it. I set it up but decided not to tell her about it. I then talked to my mom and my sister about helping me get Autumn out of the house so it could be a surprise. They agreed and we set up tentative was all falling into place.
A couple times we had issues come up were I thought Autumn might figure it out but she didn't and the surprise prevailed...until tonight! She got up this morning and I tried franticly to get her out of the house so Greg could show up at 10 and I had to leave the back door unlocked so that he could get in, but she was running behind (as usual!). As soon as I left to go to work (I couldn't stay home forever) I called Greg and told him he would need to arrive 15 min. late and that I hadn't been able to leave a door unlocked and that he would need to close some windows for me, he agreed. He also found his way into our home with a trusty credit card (I guess they are good for something even if you don't use them for debt!). Then he worked tirelessly until he had installed our central air and new water softener (due to the house mess, see below).
It was about the time that Greg called to tell me he was done that Autumn called to ask if I wanted to meet her and the Metzgers for dinner...I agreed as this would help me keep her out of the house until I could go home with her. After dinner I convinced her to go back to the store with me and hang out (to stall once again) and see my beautiful daughter Becka Joy! When Autumn finally couldn't take it anymore I let her take off for home and I was able to leave mere minutes after her in my pursuit to beat her home. TO my good fourtune my little girl Becka was missing me beyond belief and was asking Autumn to wait for daddy. This worked to my advantage since Auutmn called me and asked if I wanted her to slow down so I could catch her and Becka could see me drive next to problem with that I thought, no problem at all!
While I was on the phone with Autumn I told her I would need to pull in the driveway first so I could get things out of the garage (this didn't make any sense to her, however this was only so she wouldn't see the unit in the back). When we arrived I was able to get Becka out, unlock the door and then follow Autumn inside, but she wasn't able to feel the cooler air since it had already cooled down outside. She did however, notice the weird odor coming from the new unit. In order to find the smell we went to the laundry room to see what was going on. I showed her the new water softener that Greg had installed and she noticed the central air pipe coming in from outside but she didn't know what it was. She then asked were our old softener was, so I said probably outside and I opened the door and I pointed to it and she stepped outside...and that's when she saw it! At first she was speechless...then it hit and I thought she would cry, she was going crazy and starting giving what Becka and I like to call 'lots of kisses'. I am pretty sure she liked it, and we didn't stop talking about it for like half an hour. She was ecstatic...
All in all this was great, normally I do a great job of keeping secrets but she is able to figure it out (through no fault of my own) but this time she was clueless to the (expensive) surprise! Anyway, that's how the BIG NEWS least that's how the SHORT version of the BIG NEWS went