Funny Work Stories...Part 2
So today I had these customers, right? The kind that have been hounding me for a long time. They call me on my personal cell phone (like I don't have a life...and the store doesn't have a number) all the time. I even saw them outside of work once and it was the same thing...Why isn't my phone working? So today, after getting to the point that I can take it no longer, I give in. So I make the necessary arrangements and got some phones together to swap their (broken???) phone. So I am suppose to get off at 5pm (the earliest time in weeks, maybe months) and they call me and are like, 'Matt are you still at the store?' So I said yea but I am suppose to be leaving now, how can I help you? And they are like hey, we are just down the street (yea, uh huh...) can you wait on us? So I stand around...forever!...and then when they finally arrive they have no CLUE about what phone they want...At this point I am FREAKING OUT!!! Just decide all really, gosh! So they finally decide and I give them the phone and they are like, 'Aren't you going to transfer our numbers?' And I was like, sure I could but...YOU NEVER ASKED ME TO!!! Again, FREAKING OUT!!! Oh yea, I almost forgot, their kid wouldn't stop running around, pulling all of our stuff off the pegs, and yelling as loud as she could. I was like, 'Can you make her stop there are other customers in the store?', and they are like 'isn't she cute?' to each other, GAG!!! So yea, they finally left around 6PM, SHEESH!!! That's my funny work stories Part 2.

To my sister, brother in law, and niece.
P.S. This post was a joke.
To my sister, brother in law, and niece.
P.S. This post was a joke.