11:42 PM


This week has been good and bad...David is out and we are spending allot of time together, which is good; I am on a 3 out of 4 days off from work deal, which is good; I am getting a new phone for Autumn and am very excited about that, which is good; I am having my worst sales month in my Sprint history, which is very bad; They are implementing new (read: stupid) rules at work, which is bad; and so the story goes.

This weekend we are going to be spending allot of time in Goshen going to the Elkhart county fair. We are going to the rodeo and the demolition derby...Which definitely makes me sound like a hick! However, I am not into hick things, this is just a family tradition that we grew up doing as a family...Which makes me sound even MORE HICK! Ok, ok, so I grew up in Indiana...I refuse to be a hick by association, which brings me to my next though. It's time to move.
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