11:47 PM View Comments

Today vs Yesterday...

I was recently thinking about church and what it is today verses what it once was….It seems that what it has become is a get together group that you pay for every month, that’s rather expensive (roughly 10% of what you make). What it use to be was a source for legit, life changing relationships…now-a-days we tend to get together to feel good. Unless I am just missing it, I just don’t see people having life changing upside down experiences and where everyone cares more for others than they do themselves, and people going out and really, and I mean really changing the world for Christ (note I am included in these groups)

It seems that I may be negative or gloomy when it comes to things in posts. I guess I just don’t see the value in some things that we as Christians or society tend to value. Maybe my experience has proved to lack value, or it may be that I am just negative…who knows. Whatever the case I always seem to give the church a tuff time huh?
11:25 PM View Comments

Amazing Game...

A more dramatic win than any I have seen in a long time...Since Michigan State to be exact. Anyways, that will be a game I will always remember.

WE ARE (stomp, stomp) N D (stomp, stomp)
12:21 AM View Comments

ND vs UCLA.....Go ND!!!

Today I go to see ND vs. UCLA....Hip Hip Horary!
What a pass, what a catch, what a game, some will say!

Others will boo, maybe, just maybe, that someone is you...

Others will complain about the traffic and weather,
Most everyone will agree, that the ref’s could have done better!

Fans will be rowdy, they will yell, shout, and scream,
After the game, you will hear the team sing.

You will see student doing push-ups, on top of the crowd,
And a funny little leprechaun, dancing and running around.

There helmets are gold and there jersey will be blue,
Hopefully today, we will have the luck of the Irish too.

You will see old folks and small folks, all at the game,
And some impractical people, as they tailgate in the rain.

Former players and coaches will talk about the Glory Days,
Some confused Buckeye fans will bring up Woody Hayes.

All that I know, and all I can see,
Is 80,000 fans screaming WE ARE (stomp, stomp) N D! (stomp, stomp)
1:00 AM View Comments

The Bible...Today's Bonus Post

I think that reading the Bible can be difficult to get into...I know that its Gods love letter to us...but it still doesn't really do it for me even if I think of it like that. I mean I have had 5 yrs of Bible college training on the Bible and the interpretations of it, but when I read it...nothing. I don't know what to do about it....but I think it's just the way I am wired because... I just don't think I am that type of person, you know? (Sometimes I feel guilty that I am not into God's love letter, but it's not directed towards God, since i am not really a romantic letters type of person.) How do you over come this, how do you really solve this, because the Bible is like the spine and glue that holds everything in place and together? I am sure I would have less blog posts, or at least better blog posts if I wasn't always rambling about daily issues...stinky, silly, common, everyday issues. (See post below ) Maybe my posts would encourage people instead of causing more inner conflict...Well folks, what do you do to get into the Bible?
12:47 AM View Comments


Today we took a trip to Chicago...yes THAT Chicago... (Like, which other one was there...right?). Anyway the purpose of the trip was to drop my brother off at O’Hare Airport...yes THAT O’Hare Airport (was it still funny the second time?). Anyway I won't see him again until his wife delivers their first baby....boy that baby is in trouble... We celebrated by eating at Giordano's Pizza, only the best pizza in the world (we didn't celebrate my brother leaving...even though we should have...: we celebrated my almost birthday) Anyway I just wanted everyone to know that I went to Chicago today. A different brother went to Chicago also (though he didn't go with us) and refused to meet up with us, can you believe it, he just flat out refused...!

There has been enough funny posting now so let’s move on...

Has anyone ever been in a situation that was difficult and you believed God was about to move you out of it? Maybe you plan to start something new and exciting in your life and then you realize that maybe the pieces that you thought were going to be moved in your life are now only going to be tweaked? Well now the question becomes complicated and this...Is God truly moving you on (or are those your own plans) or is He leading you to stay (and moving on was your plans)? Interesting question that I will not debate in my post because...ready for it....I have been debating it already and still don't know!

This post seems kind of like a ramble tonight...because I guess that's what it is...feel free to ramble in the comment section.

Good Night.
12:39 AM View Comments


Jesus talks a lot about family in the Bible but much of it seems.......um.......against traditional thought, why is this? Let me explain what i am talking about, leave you father and mother or you have no part of me, a prophet has no honor in his city or family (I am paraphrasing VERY loosely, but you get the idea) I think its because.......your family.......I am trying to figure it out, I am debating internally right now, but your family see's you how they see you, they see you as you were, they compare you to themselves and how you have always compared to them. I was thinking about Charlie Weis the other day because he said something about his brothers and sisters, I remember thinking that I bet they feel lucky, but then I thought, you know, I doubt it. I bet they think they can call better plays and they are being underpaid, they could do what he did given his opportunities, etc. Maybe not everyone is like this, but I think a lot of us are deep down. So.......I think its good to step back and look at what God has created around us in our families and appreciate them for who God has created them to be and then to not compare ourselves to them because who are we to challenge God? If we compare them to us its because we think God created us equal (which I don't think I believe) and if you think that way then you will question God about why did He do what He did, and when we question God we are in essence challenging His divinity be thinking we know more than He does. Dave Ramsey like to use an old saying that people don't want to take advice regarding sex or money once they have powdered your butt and calls it (very originally I might add) the powdered butt syndrome. I think its called pride personally and I think everyone should get off their horses. At least that's my opinion.

EDIT: Can you tell I am bitter?
12:10 AM View Comments


A while back I had called a friend on the phone and I was talking to him about things that were going on in my life and he said some interesting things...One thing that stood out was this, I told him that I thought there was a double standard at work where I would do something that was totally ok and someone else would do something fraudulent and yet I would get talked to. My friend said that there very well could be a double standard because I have asked God to refine me and maybe He is using others to do this very thing. On the other hand maybe the rest of the store has decided to not walk with God, then He will in effect, hold me to a higher standard. I am totally ok with God refining me I just wish that me and God spoke the same language, you know? Anyway, this is good news, and a very, very painful process. What about you, are you being refined by somebody?

Question of the day, 'Are you getting busy living, or are you getting busy dying?' in your relationship with God, just an interpersonal question to mull over within yourself. (Shawshank Redemption, Morgan Freeman)

Does anyone notice that God seems to teach me most through work? What ways does God speak to you? I just wonder if people get bored with me always writing about work, but hey, that’s were life happens, so...

EDIT: Wifey-head makes a good comment, interpret getting busy living or dying however you read it because you could be correct either way.
11:13 PM View Comments

Just another day...

Today was interesting, go in to work...kinda rough...then BAM! I was able to close a major deal. It's interesting the way God works sometimes, it's like 'i am going to allow you to deal with disappointment and ect. and then i will lift you high.' I think it just goes to show God is always in control and it's best to just be along for the ride. Let God handle today and tomorrow and just show up and do your best. Don't try to plan or do too much just allow God to work out you path and things will...work out for the good for those love Him and have been called by His purpose...(somewhere in the Bible it says something like that). Let it be encouragement to know that things will work out as they should if you trust Him.