11:28 PM

January 1st

January 1st I will be starting my new position at the South Bend Sprint Store location. Basically i will be transfered from my current location at the Mishawaka Store to the South Bend Store. This does come with a promotion and a little bit of a pay raise (very excited), but more importantly....well I guess that's the most important part. The position is the exact same thing I do now but I get a higher hourly pay plus my codes will be able to over-ride more things. I will also be relied on more to open, close, and be involved with some managing of the sales floor. In the new position I am not quite management but more than just a rep, I guess that's good.

I tallked to my regional manager on the way home from Christmas and he will be expecting a lot of things from me that I have no experience in or qualifications and will receive no training (gotta love iPCS). Not only that but I will only be at the new store a week and then i will need to take a week off when we have our baby. On top of that the manager at the new store is leaving around the time I take off to have our baby. This means I will have more responsibility than normal due to extenuating circumstances. Anyway I thought I would let everyone know.

P.S. Is anyone making any temporary new year resolutions? I will be making the normal:
1. Spend more time with God / Family
2. Get my website up and running
3. Loose weight
4. Save up an emergency fund (check daveramsey.com for details)
5. New House
What about you?
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