1:27 AM

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Web site developement is going very well, I was able to accomplish a lot today. In case some of you might have missed it I am building a web page for Christians to network with each other with in a business context. So, let's say Christian A is looking for a used car. Christian A can access my web site and search for all of the used car sales professionals within a certain zip code or they could search by city, state, church currently attending, or by all other alumni from their school. In this search Christian B pops up and they can email each other, set up a time to do the transaction, and know they are dealing with someone they can trust. At the end of the transaction the buyer has the opertunity (obligation?) to leave feed back on Christian B so others know that they can trust that person. Who knows they may even attend the same church as that person! Hopefully the Body of Christ will find this very useful. The site is called:


and if you click on the link it should take you there. It is live, meaning if you go there it's up and running and you can take a look around. You won't be able to access a lot of the content because in order to do that you would have to be registered and right now i don't believe you can. If you do...well how bout this, lets all hold off until i give the go ahead because I still need to do some testing and finishing touches on it. I will however like it if everyone signs up once it is available. It is only going to be successful if people use it. Anyway, go ahead and bookmark it now so that once it's up and running you will be also! Good night!
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