Walking in your calling...
My calling should consume my life, it should be a part of everything I do. When I go to work it should be because work fits into some part of my calling, lately I have been making my calling fit around my work. Actually to be truthful my calling seems like it has been put on the shelf. When God places a call on one's life it seems that we should be actively effecting multiple facets of life. I don't see a calling as go to college, get a job, buy a house, join a church, be a good person and get into heaven. I see a calling as being a part of a continually changing, evolving, multi-faceted life style where I don't just have one job, I earn income from various area's at various times depending on where God has me. I don't just have one church, I move into different churches depending on what season God has placed me and what He wants to teach me. I don't have a home but rather keep heaven in my heart and know that I am secure. It's in these ways that we can effectively change the world. Too many times we get stuck in jobs that we detest and as a result become complacent in every area of our lives. It's the constantly changing and fresh many that keep our lives full of life and vibrant. It's when we are walking in our calling that we experience the peace from our daily troubles, the love for our fellow Christian brothers and sisters, and the joy of our salvation. Anyway I want to take my calling off the shelf, dust it off and get living again. I think the hard part comes in finding out what our calling is and then having the strength and courage to actually walk. This is goal. Are you walking in your calling? Do you know what your calling is? More later on this topic I am sure.....