1:54 PM View Comments


The other day I was called to take a BIG STEP in my life (as in called on the phone...Or the way that you first though) and I ask everyone to pray that it would be successful. More on that topic later. I have taken BIG STEPS to ensure that I write more frequently, internet access in up in the air though, lets hope it all falls down nicely into place....More to come shortly, I promise.
9:59 PM View Comments

Not so good Analogy...

My daughter has this CD that has bible songs and stories on it, and one while thinking about callings and such, one of these stories came on and really perked my curiosity. The story was about Joshua and the conquest of Jericho. As I started tossing around thoughts in my head, I began to get what I thought was some revelation.

In Joshua, when God calls Joshua to conquer Jericho, God only showed Joshua what to do each day. Another words, God told Joshua to travel around the city a certain way, and then that was it. The second day God once again told Joshua to march around the city a second day and then that was it. The same on the third day, fourth, fifth, and sixth day until the seventh day when He told them to take the city. What we can take from this is simple. God only shows us our callings one day at a time, this is done so we continually really on and trust our Lord.

The unfortunate thing is that when I looked up the story about Joshua and the city of Jericho, God outlined everything he wanted Joshua to do before he event went there, yep that's right, God told Joshua go to Jericho and do this day, day two, day three, ect. Oops, that was a not so good analogy I guess.

So I have this analogy about trusting God and doing what He tells you because it will always happen exactly as God says even if we don't believe Him. My example is the story about Joshua and the city of Jericho....

If you would like to be on a mailing list and you want me to e-mail you every time I add a new post to my blog, then let me know, and if there is enough demand I will set something up.

Have a good evening.
12:11 AM View Comments

Tonight's thoughts....

Late at night, after I get off work, sometimes I go for a walk with God. These are not what I would call prayer walks, because I am not always praying, but I often do. Mostly this is a time where I get to go over all the thoughts in my head that are troubling me, and seek God for answers. I do not tell you this to brag, but only to set the stage for this post.

Tonight as I was going through all the crises that I am facing, it occurred to me that my daughter Becka was in an enviable position. This is due to the fact that while she is extremely smart, she is oblivious to all of our 'end of the world' issues. I often cry out to God for problems that exist at work, bills coming due, lack of satisfaction with were I am in life, and maybe arguments I am having with my spouse, family, or friends. I also often ask forgiveness for my stupidity and ponder political and global issues that are effecting our nation - all things that my precious Becka doesn't have a clue about. As I pondered this thought I was amazed at her simplicity, and thought to myself that this is how it is to be for us, as God's children.

My jealousy for my daughter is under control, but how do I approach God the way she approaches life? Rebecka Joy gets up with no clue as to what the day holds, but instead experiences the adventures of that particular day. As I continued to ponder these issues I wondered, as children grow, there eyes become open to these things that pressure us all, so how do we as adults approach God. How do grown-up kids go to there parents for answers, after all they are adults.....I don't know that I came to any conclusions to this question, nor have it tried, but instead I just keep thinking about my daughter and how can I be like her? After all, I already know about all the problems and all of the issues that my daughter just lets me handle. How do I let God handle my issues. After all, if I let Him handle my issues, He probably will handle them...But what if I don't like the way He goes about it..? If I could just trust Him enough (not that He isn't worthy, but more-so that I am not capable of trusting enough right now) then I would know that He sees me the way I see my daughter, and that I would do anything for her, and to see her be happy. I don't know, it's just hard I guess.

These are the thoughts that I have to deal with....To walk out my calling and produce a blog for your enjoyment, and conviction...j/k. I don't mind it, I enjoy pondering deep thoughts, but converting them into one's lifestyle is much more difficult. My task is now to be able to implement the little bit of truth that my Father in Heaven has given me tonight...If I were you guys I wouldn't wait up, this is gonna be a long process. It's a good thing we have a life time. In the mean time I guess I should go get some sleep, it's gonna be a long journey, you should too.

Good night, again.
8:48 PM View Comments

Good enough...Or not?

So I get home late tonight and I am sitting there eating blueberry buckle, which my wife had made, and she didn't think it turned out quite right. So, there I am sitting there, thinking (not saying anything mind you) that this blueberry buckle is good enough....That's when ideas' started being tossed around in my head...(and we all know what happens when I toss idea's around in my head....They end up on this blog:) ) Anyway, I started thinking about being good enough and what happens in relationship when things become 'good enough'.

I am married so I will start there (single people hang out for a minute, it will all pull together and we will all get something out of it, I promise). I think that as we grow in relationships we begin to cut corners, maybe the cooking and preparing of meals begin to be made good enough and and someone cleans up 'good enough', and that's where I think relationships start dying. At this point though, there is no passion, no love in the preparation or delivery of your actions. As husband and wife we need to do things with love for each other, if for instance my wife would have made the blueberry buckle to be 'good enough' then it would have lacked love in the preparation, however, if she bakes it with love and it only turns out 'good enough' then that is much different. If I were to only tell her how much I appreciate her once a year and I think that's 'good enough' then there is a problem. What I need to do instead, is tell her how much I love her so that she knows she is loved (guys, its pretty important women are told...A lot. About 10-12 times a day is what they need according to studies.) This way I am meeting her needs and I am telling her I love her for her benefit. I am not just simply putting in a random I love you and calling it 'good enough'. Relationships that are 'good enough' don't last.

As a married person you have to do things for your partner, things we may not want to do, and when we do things for them, we need to do it out of an abundance of love. If we do this in all situations (even when we are extremely upset at that person) then we can have a truly GREAT marriage and make an impact to the world around us. The world will know we are Christians by our love, but I guess what I am saying, is that we need to love others by our actions, in the daily, in folding clothes, preparing meals, talking to each other, ect. And that's just for the women...:) the men also need to do the daily (read: nagging) activities, like the trash, lawn, and heavy lifting for the women folk, and we need to do if for them out of love for our spouses.

The way this applies to everyone is simple (its a parallel universe and what we do on earth effects other universes' and galaxies.......) we can apply this principle to our relationship with Christ. In the miniscule daily activities of smiling at people on the street, waiving people in front of us while driving, and generally how we present ourselves. These activities will show our true love of Christ. Are we telling the truth, going to church, reading our Bibles, and in general doing 'good enough'? If you are, then your relationship may be dying. I hope we all strive for excellence, that's how the race is won.

By the way, the blueberry buckle ended up being wonderful, I really did like it. The 'good enough' was just a thought, but it produced this post, so maybe this blog is like, a calling or something. -Hope you enjoyed it d.
p.s. If you think my posts are to long....Get over it. j/k Hope you all don't mind it.
12:14 AM View Comments

What does your Church Teach You?

What is the purpose of church...? This is an issue we touched on in the church attendance blog that I wanted to dive a little further into. Why do we go to church? What are we hoping to get out of it? What do we get out of it? What do we learn from attending church? And, how is it suppose to be? (Hint: the last question is not a personal opinion question)
First off lets start with 'why do we go to church?' Most people tend to say fellowship, but reality says most people feel obligated to go to church, or they may as though they will 'backslide' if they don't go. Maybe going to church is how they grow, by going and learning something new (Christian slang = 'to get fed').

How is it that in Church we are always taught how to be good, but seldom how to have a relationship w/Jesus. Does anyone really care about being good? Being good doesn't get you into heaven. Do you walk with the Lord daily? Do you know how to? No cheating everyone close their textbooks, what does your day look like, what does it consist of? Do you dwell on what is good and holy? Do you pray w/o ceasing? Do you experience inner peace? Or do you lay awake at night with things like finances, test's, job situations, or relationship crisis' on your mind? Why doesn't anyone actually teach us how to BE CHRISTIANS.

This topic is on hold because I need to go to church to get my thoughts straight. When I walk out the door I will be upset enough to get all my thoughts in order. Expect this topic to be posted more in-depth on a Sunday or Monday soon.

Edit: This topic was on hold (since 7/20) but is now being taken off the hold position and being released for thoughts and opinions.

This topic will be expanded on a Sunday or Monday soon, but not this Sunday or Monday :) I recently went to church...I know great eh? But I only went to listen to a special speaker and he did not upset me so let me go on a regular Sunday and we can pump out the rest of this topic soon.
12:02 PM View Comments

Memorable day.

Today is the day we celebrate my parents walking on the earth for almost 100 years (combined, even though you would think it was apiece!) So that makes it a memorable day, right? Ok on to some thoughts I have been tossing around - in my head- not outside my head.........Ok, never mind (mental images...). The other day I was talking on the phone with my friend and then another - other day I was talking to him again...And he made the comment 'I don't know if you know that what you just said was prophetic or not, but it was just what I needed...' and then he want on to say that God had been showing him some things recently and what I just said ties into the whole thing. He also said that every time I call it seems like I say something that seems to be more than just a coincidence. I personally don't believe in coincidences anymore because as a Christian, if God is orchestrating our lives, then things are going to work out and be said when we need it, because God is going to give you what you need, when you need it. God also knows when to offer confirmation - so anytime you have a 'coincidence, stop and say a little thanks to your God in heaven.

Anyway the really awesome part about my friend saying what he did to me, was that God uses me even when I am not aware, how cool is that! I can be stupid, stupid mparrott84 and God can still choose to use me in spite of myself. This is why I think I am chosen (think back several posts), because God has complete control of me even in spite of myself. This is definitely comforting. Anyway, it also is a part of my calling I believe. For example, part of my wife's calling is praying for healing with the sick and lame. Part of my gifting is in the prophetic, but the cool part is that there is no expectations, as long as I just continue to be myself I will keep on calling my friends at the right time, every time and saying the right thing. And I think that's amazing. The only part I am responsible for is to be myself and to nurture my relationship with the Father up above.

For discussion: do you think of or refer to The Father, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit or something else, when you are thinking, talking, praying, or meditating about the Trinity? I think most of the time I refer to the Father part of the Trinity.
10:51 PM View Comments

Being ourselves...

Whenever I talk about personal callings in my writings I am beginning to think that the most important part of your calling is being you. I never love my daughter more than when she looks at me and with all the sincerity of her entire being and tells me whatever she wants to. She just looks at me and there is the look of love and sincerity and it doesn't matter what she is saying, it just matters that she is saying it to me. I don't have it scripted what she should say or do, but ... I think that our lives should be similar, when we are truly ourselves, not thinking about saying, acting, or doing the right thing but just saying, doing, and acting as ourselves, that's when we are most in God's will I think.

So, the question is, 'Who am I?'
I am a person who is very confident in who I am, some people think I am cocky - I am not. I definitely have leadership tendencies, I am a problem solver, analytical, laid back, decisive, easy to get along with, opinionated, and I am a quick thinker. It makes sense that I would have a discipleship calling. But the crazy part is how? How do I walk in the calling that I am. Well, I already gave the answer, by being myself. So if someone wants to step up and show me how you are doing it.........Then maybe I can implement those things in my life also. I was on the phone with a friend tondight for almost an hour, and he said that as children our parents have to let us make mistakes, I don't think I ever maid any mistakes growing up and hence as an adult I have a fear that prevents me from acting. I NEED TO JUST DO SOMETHING SO I CAN MAKE A MISTAKE! Ok, maybe not but, see there is this hindrance that prevents me from being me, more.

The second question is, 'Am I saying, doing and acting as myself?'
I think I am, even if it's a dim image of what I hopefully will one day became. I don't think I shy away from being myself due to anyone, or their thoughts and opinions of me. I think I am doing the cell phone sales thing because I really enjoy cell phones. I don't think I would classify myself as really living my calling though because - ok, I am getting confused now.

What about you? Who are you? Are you saying, doing, and acting as yourself? I hope that my writings can cause each person who reads them to look within your soul and evaluate yourself. In some sort of crazy way this blog may be more my calling than anything I have accomplished selling cell phones for the last 2 years.....It's like a light is turning on and ...Oops it was a light turning on, my wife is turning on the light so I can see what I am typing........(my attempt, pathetically, at humor).

On a more serious note, I think that things, like blogs (ex. mparrott84) can and are parts of people's callings. I think this is what I was getting at a coupled of days back when I said that your hand is in a lot of different stuff. Maybe I write blogs, maybe I sell cell phones, maybe I teach Sunday school and do prayer meetings. And maybe everything I am involved in outside my j.o.b. is my calling, and my job is just that, a job, with no other meaning in tact except to provide for my family. Maybe my job doesn't matter, but maybe it's the most intricate part of my calling because that's where God sharpens and hones my soul so that I can write about it here and annoy all of you. And maybe the post is just way to long and I should save some of it for later.

Good night.
1:29 AM View Comments

What if ???

Hope this works out,

Funny thoughts...
What if the world had no parents, ahhhh pure joy right? Wait a minute as we dive into a world with no parents. The bliss starts out like this. No one nagging on us (as kids), no grounding's, no spanking's (admit it, we all got them :) )no one telling us what to do, no one telling us to clean our rooms, no pulling hair or ears - a shout out to my mom :) and definitely no one telling us to eat our vegetables.

Not so funny thoughts...
No one psychologically abusing their kids, no one sexually abusing their kids, no one killing their kids or parents, no one throwing their kids away or leaving them, no one growing up with split parents or parents in jail, and no one running away from home.

Back to funny thoughts...
No one being born, no one in history & definitely no one to write this post.

As a matter of fact the animals would be very bored as there would be no one to ride them, no one to milk them, no one to pluck them, no one to catch them in their nets, no one to cage them, no one to lock them up in little bowls, no one to destroy their habitats, and no one to make fun of (I am thinking about monkeys laughing at us on the last on).

The post started out as I thought about a certain someone's ... Well let's leave it at that. However, you can all say thank you to the one who is unknown, but responsible for this post. That person may know who He/She is but...As we can all tell I think a world with parents is better than a world without them - if only because I exist.
10:32 PM View Comments

Disconnected from my internet...And youth's blunders.

The last couple of days my place of employment has been going through some changes and one change has been that I temporarily (I hope) do not have an internet connection. This makes my posts more sporadic (sorry) and ....More thoughtful, hopefully, because I have more time to process my thoughts before rushing to write them down.

The thought in my head today is a very good topic, i think, due to its sensitive and controversial nature. While I was at my place of employment, the guys started talking about the xBox games (or Playstation 3, ...I don't know) they had been playing the night before and it got me to thinking. I believe that in today's society young people are sincere about their relationship with God and I believe that they penetrate past the daily routine and Sunday church service, but I am not sure they are willing (able, know how to, or think it's necessary) to make the sacrifices that the older generations have made. A prime example is gaming and movies, ect. I think in today's world many of us live in the permissible places instead of striving for the beauty of purity. We are extreme in our emotions and seek meaning and belonging and we are not use to being told no or having the discipline that will take us to un-imaginable heights. I think we are missing something that is hard to put in writing. It's like we are getting it, but missing what is just past our vision. We are experiencing the victory of the race but missing the true blessings of the daily training. I think for us to be great...For us to be what God intended, just winning the race is missing what he has for each one of us. What he has for us, is for us to find out while we are preparing for the race. The goal, the prize is heaven, the rest of it is for earth and what each one of us need to find out. The race is nice, it's what gets us the prize, but the rest, that's our life.