11:33 PM

I am back!!!

Once upon a time there was a renound philosopher, who was only renound to himself...and he had a blog.  At the beggining of social networks there arose a site called Xanga.com.  Now this site was all the rage at the time, and so he moved his blog to that social network.  Now that other newer and better social networks have come about, there is no longer any reason to hang out at Xanga.  Now this renound philosopher has currently has others blogs, one on a website and a family blog of sorts, but since the blogging stopped at Xanga there has been nowhere for this young philospher to write his internal mullings.

Thus the young philosopher has returned to his roots.  Spending several hours copying and pasting his old blogs from Xanga (the one's he could anyway, some picture posts and short blogs didn't make the cut) back into blogger (due to the shortcommings of modern technology).  No promises will be made about the frequencies of posts and the author will not ask for comments to the blog.  In the past, posts have been written for responses.  When no responses are left a lesson was learned, write from the heart and go from there.

One last thing, this blog may not stay here, if it does then great.  If not you will be given info when the time comes as to what you can expect.  Welcome back.

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